Celebrate Your Chosen Family
The Six of Wands invites us to celebrate those we call our chosen family.
Pursuit of Happiness
The Nine of Pentacles reversed is an excellent reminder to pause and to re-evaluate what happiness and success mean to us.
Reconnecting with the Past
The High Priestess exists between our world and the next. She’s shrouded in mystery, holding secret knowledge that has yet to be revealed to us. She is an omen that something is about to unfold before us, as soon as we are ready to receive it.
Dare to Dream
This week, we’re taking our lead from the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn. Having rigid ideas and plans for our future often sets us up for disappointment and possibly failure. That tactic also limits our options and potentially closes us off from better possibilities and opportunities.
The Wheel Keeps Turning
The Wheel of Fortune embodies the idea that life is a cycle. You cannot have good without bad, light without darkness. The spinning of the wheel is out of our hands. It will continue to spin no matter what we do. We’re along for the ride. But that doesn’t mean we have to let life just happen to us.
Beneath the Surface
To fully accept and love ourselves, we must learn to accept these aspects of ourselves. Enter The Hanged Man. This card represents a suspension between our past and future selves. The Hanged Man suggests we are in the midst of radical change. And with this change comes self-reflection. You must clearly see the person you were to evolve into the person you want to be.

Feel All the Feelings
The lotus encourages us to embrace the change coming to us. It also urges us to allow ourselves to feel all of the feelings. They likely will be complex. They might be heavy and overwhelming. Embrace them. They are part of the process of creating change.

Rest, Relax, Recharge
The Page of Swords reversed cautions us against getting too carried away with trying to do everything all at once. It’s OK to not be productive every moment of the day. It’s also OK to tackle our to-do tasks one at a time.
Shoot for the Moon
We’ll be experiencing some unique energy this week with a Full Moon in Pisces, which also just so happens to be a Blue Moon AND a Supermoon. It's a spectacular time to release any energy or mindsets that are holding you back from accomplishing those pie-in-the-sky goals. Now is the time to shoot for the moon!

Good Grief
Grief is deep and persistent. It lingers. But we can carry it with us as we move forward. We are allowed to grieve. But we must not let our grief blind us to new life and opportunities.
What Are You Waiting For?
The Ace of Pentacles heralds success and prosperity … but only if we reach out and grab it.

Perfectly Imperfect
It can be hard to avoid comparing ourselves to others, especially in the age of social media. We are inundated with carefully curated Instagram posts that present a picture-perfect lifestyle. But it is okay to be imperfect. Our imperfections are what make us unique.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Foolishness
The figure of The Fool stands open-armed at the edge of a precipice. The whole world is before them, wide with wonder and opportunity. Their face upturned toward the sky, and the sun beams down on them. This card is brimming with possibility.