The Wheel Keeps Turning
I love October. Especially THIS October. This week, we’ll see a Friday the 13th in the spookiest month of the year!
It might seem like a strange thing to be excited about. Friday the 13th is supposed to be a day of bad luck and curses, right?
Speaking as someone who has lived through being displaced from her home by a fallen tree – TWICE – I can say with certainty that there are some things that are beyond our control. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make our own luck.
How we handle the curve balls the universe pitches our way impacts the outcome of those situations. That’s not to say the power of positive thinking can overcome any bad thing that happens in your life. I’m the last person to insist on “good vibes only” as I find that to fall into the category of toxic positivity. And it’s not realistic. We can’t be just one thing all of the time. We are complex creatures with complex attitudes and emotions. We would be doing ourselves a disservice if we focused solely on the “good stuff” and ignored the rest.
The Wheel of Fortune embodies the idea that life is a cycle. You cannot have good without bad, light without darkness. The spinning of the wheel is out of our hands. It will continue to spin no matter what we do. We’re along for the ride. But that doesn’t mean we have to let life just happen to us. Sure, some things are unforeseen and cannot be prevented. But we get to determine how these things affect us … for the most part.
Having negative experiences is an inevitable part of life. Bad things are going to happen. Just like good things are going to happen. Just like neutral things are going to happen. It’s all part of the cycle of life. Find the right balance for you.