Dare to Dream
This week, we’re taking our lead from the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn. We live in a very goal-oriented society. Early on in life, we’re told we have to have a solid life plan. Get a degree. Get married. Start a family. Climb to the top of the corporate ladder.
And while I’m the last person to discourage anyone from having a plan, I do think it’s important to build flexibility into our plans. Give ourselves some wiggle room.
Having rigid ideas and plans for our future often sets us up for disappointment and possibly failure. That tactic also limits our options and potentially closes us off from better possibilities and opportunities.
Do you find that you have your eyes so focused on the “prize” that you aren’t able to notice everything else around you? When was the last time you had a “stop and smell the roses” moment? How often do you allow yourself to be whimsical?
It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tedium that we forget to allow ourselves time to daydream or be a little whimsical. Something as simple as setting aside 30 minutes or an hour to do something fun, just for us can make a big difference in our overall happiness and satisfaction.
And we can incorporate bits and pieces of our ideal fantasy life into our everyday lives. Sure, we might not live in a remote mansion or on a yacht or be independently wealthy. But we can still indulge in little luxuries every now and then. We can allow ourselves the space to dare to dream.