Reconnecting with the Past
And just like that, spooky season is drawing to a close. But not without first celebrating Samhain, or Halloween as you might call it. October thirty-first is a magical time, not just for dressing up like creatures of the night but also for connecting with our ancestors.
This is a time when the veil between worlds is thinnest, making it easier to commune and feel connected with lost loved ones or guardians. I often find myself thinking of the people I’ve lost and all the ways I still feel their presence.
The High Priestess perfectly encapsulates the mood of the moment. She represents feminine spiritual power and the cycle of earthly existence.
The High Priestess exists between our world and the next. She’s shrouded in mystery, holding secret knowledge that has yet to be revealed to us. She is an omen that something is about to unfold before us, as soon as we are ready to receive it.
So how can we prepare ourselves for the knowledge that comes as we enter a new cycle in the Wheel of the Year? Let’s start by remembering where we’ve been and how far we’ve come.
If we want to move forward, to progress with positive changes, it’s necessary to look back at where we’ve come from. We learn from our mistakes, and we create new habits from our successes.
We can’t know for certain what the future holds for us. But we can do our best to prepare for whatever the universe throws our way.
The High Priestess reminds us to take these moments of self-reflection and to do a little self-audit of our life progress. Are you happier than you were a year ago? Are your decisions bringing you closer to your higher purpose and your ultimate life goals? Are you a better person today than you were yesterday?