Rest, Relax, Recharge
Many of us here in the U.S. are starting this week with a day off for Labor Day.
And, at least for me, it is a much-needed break. This break also aligns perfectly with the message of the Page of Swords reversed. Slow down. It’s OK to take a moment to rest, relax and recharge.
The Page of Swords reversed cautions us against getting too carried away with trying to do everything all at once. It’s OK to not be productive every moment of the day. It’s also OK to tackle our to-do tasks one at a time.
Multitasking is often praised and held as the golden standard of productivity. But splitting our attention across multiple focuses at one time means that nothing is getting our full attention. Sometimes multitasking cannot be avoided. It’s the nature of the world we live in.
But think of those things in your life that deserve your full attention. Have you been giving them the attention they deserve? Have you been putting them off?
Now is the moment to slow down. Take a breath. Allow yourself the space to just exist. You don’t have to do everything right now. Yes, we have time-sensitive tasks that need to be completed. And we will get to those. But taking a few minutes to ground ourselves and reprioritize will not hinder your progress on those tasks. It likely will help you complete them.
It is OK to take a moment for yourself, just to exist, to sit in stillness. Not every moment has to be productive. These quite moments are just as important for our well-being. Remember to give yourself time and space to just be.