What Are You Waiting For?

The artwork of the Ace of Wands depicts a hand holding a sun with a pentacle symbol.

The Ace of Pentacles heralds success and prosperity … but only if we reach out and grab it.

This is our sign to do the thing! Whatever that thing might be. Do you have an idea you’ve been rolling around in your mind? Now is the time to take action to bring it to life. Have you been eyeing a promotion or a new job? Now is the time to take the steps necessary to advance your career. Do you have a passion project that you’ve been waiting to launch? Well what are you waiting for? There’s no time like the present.

While the Ace of Pentacles suggests success and good fortune is headed our way, we must put in the effort to achieve our goals and dreams. What is an action you can take today to advance your goals? What is a small step you can take to get closer to achieving your dreams? Let’s plant the seeds to grow our ambitions.

Think of a goal you'd like to accomplish in the near future. How can you nurture and nourish that goal? What does it look like when this goal starts to be realized? How does it sprout? 

The Ace of Pentacles symbolizes the beginning of a successful venture. That success can evolve and change over time. It might manifest in a way that is completely different from our current vision. And that’s alright. Our focus now is on the immediate future. Let’s get those seeds to sprout!


Good Grief


Perfectly Imperfect